Thursday, 31 January 2008

What can one make of that fact that is a website lavishly constructed by a 'UK citizen' systematically subjected to 'a campaign of harassment...through the broadcast and print media, verbal abuse at work, and molestation in public and during travel'?

'The first 15 years of the MI5 Persecution were conducted using conventional techniques of two-way televisions through which newscasters peeked at me while they read the news, particularly Buerk and Lewis; MI5 agents following me around London and around the world to shout abuse on the street; and surveillance, electronic bugging of every accommodation I stayed in for any period of time. However, beginning August 2005, MI5 with the assistance of the Americans employed a hideous mindcontrol technology which directly read my mind and inflicted voices and thoughts on my mind. I obtained some evidence of this, so the sceptical reader can assure himself it is real world and not imaginary.'

Take a look. One 'inadvertent' effect of the site is to undermine less excitable critiques of state surveillance on the web. So it's hard not to wonder who is really behind it. Or is that being paranoid?

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